
For guaranteed quality.

Embrace is an authentic extra virgin olive oil certified IGP Sicily, a quality mark issued by the European Union, which defines products that are identified by peculiarities linked to a specific territory and that comply with a production specification in which the “historical” origin in the territory is proven a symbolic mark of a product that enhances all the organoleptic characteristics of its land, respecting its historical origin.

A unique oil, capable of expressing the perfect fusion of environment, agricultural management and transformation of the fruit into an oil capable of enhancing all those organoleptic characteristics of a cultivar of long Sicilian tradition.

For total transparency to customers and to guarantee a genuine and healthy product, at the end of each oil campaign we subject our oil to detailed analysis by the customs office of the various parameters that attest to its wholesomeness and above all that it is a 0 residue product, therefore free of chemical treatments harmful to health.


sensory properties

the Colour

The oil has a coloration that can range from yellow to deep green, with a very low acidity that is always kept below 0.2 percent.

The Parfume

On the nose it is assertive and has a fruity green olive fruitiness of medium intensity. Floreale, accompagnato da note di mandorla, pomodoro verde, erba tagliata, carciofo e infine da una nuance di erbe aromatiche.

the Taste

The palate is enveloping and confirms the amplitude of plant notes, revealing pleasant bitter and spicy sensations in a harmonious balance. Gently spiced with a fresh, lingering finish.

Embrace, a hug for different shades

Embrace embraces and envelops each dish in its different nuances, enhancing its flavors.
Raw, it is excellent for harmonizing and flavoring simple dishes such as soups, soups, meat tartare, and raw fish. Also perfect for vegetables, lightly cooked or raw, and salads, including those made from oranges.
When cooking, it is ideal for preparing roasts, baked squid, pasta dishes such as mussels and tenerume, cherry tomatoes and fresh tuna. Also outstanding in the preparation of desserts such as lemon cake.

The Formats

A refined design with a black/gold color contrast that arouses exclusive relationships and emotions. Embrace is a precious gift as is life and our well-being, perfectly reflecting the principle of reciprocity, giving and receiving encapsulated in an embrace. There is nothing in the world that can make us feel better.

Available in various sizes:

200 ml
500 ml
3 litri

The attention to detail

Every stage of Embrace’s production, from harvesting, to packaging, is thought out and taken care of down to the smallest detail to ensure the highest quality product and perfect preservation of the oil over time.

the cap

All of our bottles have an anti-rabble cap.
This special stopper, together with the drip saver pourer, first of all allows the oil to be safeguarded, prevents the bottle from getting greasy externally during use, and also allows the desired amount of oil to be poured over the dish.

Embrace, a hug to well-being

Embrace is a nutraceutical extra virgin olive oil, rich in polyphenols, oleic acid, squalene, sterols, tocopherols, omega 3, omega 6, vitamin A, E, K.
  • It is as good as breast milk
  • Fights diabetes and protects the liver
  • It is good for the skin and nails
  • Prevents cancers
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s disease
  • It is good for the hair
  • Protects heart and arteries
  • Increases the sense of satiety
  • Reduces the risk of stroke
  • It is rich in antioxidants
Embrace as a tool to achieve a very specific goal: spreading the culture of quality extra virgin oil drop by drop.

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